How can Exercise Physiology help me?

Sue, our accredited exercise physiologist can assist with exercise based clinical intervention used to facilitate and optimise movement. We offer research based exercise rehabilitation programs to support and motivate individuals with various conditions. At KS Healthfit, we believe in encouraging and empowering our clients to move and feel better whilst improving their quality of life physically and mentally.

Working closely with other allied healthcare and medical professionals to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective individualised programs and home exercise sessions. Whether in our small well-equipped rehabilitation gym, at home, park’s or pool’s - We can tailor a program suited to you.

Want a PT and EP sessions?

Our new package incorporates EP & PT. An Initial consultation with our EP, accessing functional movements, joint and muscle ranges of movement to create an individualised progressive program. A personal trainer then takes you through your program (at a reduced rate).  This package is suitable for people with chronic health conditions, chronic pain and restricted movement, who are looking for value for money with ongoing EP & PT guidance/support.

*This service is NDIS, EPC/CDM, & DVA Supported